
About Me

Hi, I'm Katherine, Certified Health Coach from Queenstown, Central Otago, New Zealand.

“A Small Win Is Still A Step Forward Towards Your Health Goal, Embrace That!”- Katherine Froggatt
I’m a cancer survivor and proof that you can turn your life around IF you’re open to change.
I believe everyone deserves to live a long, healthy, and happy life - and in a perfect world, we all do.

But modern life gets in the way and so many of us end up feeling stressed, burnt out, battling chronic fatigue, weight gain, and not being present with the people who really matter. And even though we know deep down this is the wrong way to live, we feel helpless to make a change for the better.

And so the vicious cycle continues until something invariably bad happens.I speak from personal experience. It took a breast cancer diagnosis in 2016 for me to finally take charge of my health and wellness. On hindsight (and I know this sounds crazy) I believe there was a good reason for my cancer diagnosis, it was the kick I needed to prioritise myself and my health so that I could continue to properly care for my family and children.

Looking back, I’m ashamed that it took a very traumatic health scare to admit what I truly wanted from life: to support my children on their life journeys, to cuddle my grandchildren, and to create endless memories altogether as a family.I wouldn’t be able to do any of that if I was chronically sick, tired, or worse, in an early grave. And so I got down to work. I put on my “chronic perfectionist” hat and assigned myself tasks and goals, but this time, instead of sales targets and client meetings, I threw myself into research and spoke to countless medical and nutrition professionals. I overhauled my diet to follow a low-carb approach with daily intermittent fasting and committed to an exercise regime that I built up slowly but sustainably.

Through this journey, I’m proud to say I’ve turned my cancer around and am now in complete remission.My win though means nothing unless I can share it with the world. Hence, I decided to become certified as a health and mental fitness coach specialising in chronic stress, addictive behaviours, sleep & weight. Having walked that cancer journey myself, I firmly believe that we need to understand how to care of ourselves before we can continue to provide for others and learn how to live a life of joy and renewed energy.

What is Health Coaching?

At its heart, coaching is about helping clients to become creators of possible. You are the expert on you. The curiosity, intuition and provoking conversation of the coaching alliance, will help you to unlock your potential and talent. It will empower you to live your best life, in whatever you choose to do.

How Does a Health Coach Transform Your Life?
It starts with you being open to change, small incremental change. We’ll work on addressing not just the physical issues but the mental blocks that are preventing you from living your best life. Once we’ve got the mental framework in place, I’ll take a step back and be your guide and navigator as you take position behind the driver’s seat to craft a new and improved future.

Who Need A Health Coach?
Quite frankly, everyone can benefit from having a health coach. Our health system treats illness with medicine but it doesn’t teach us how to prevent falling sick, or to turn chronic illnesses like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and stroke around through diet and exercise. A health coach helps to navigate the information overload and come up with a personalised, actionable plan to follow.

Who It Isn’t For
Creating sustainable change takes consistency and commitment to a focused goal-oriented approach. Clients who want to see sustainable change will need to put in the hard work and enjoy accountability and embrace challenges along the way to see a permanent change happen. Long-lasting results only come with persistence and I am here to guide you every step of the way.

How Does it Work?
We’ll kick things off with an in-depth discovery call whereby we’ll discuss your health journey and define your wellness goals. After which I’ll draw up a customised 6-month plan that includes weekly sessions (face-to-face or via video chat), weekly homework, and communication via phone or email when necessary.

How Do I Find Out More?
Drop me a PM or WhatsApp to book a call. For a limited time, I’m offering a FREE 40-min discovery call whereby we can start discussing what’s blocking you from meeting your health goals and desired outcomes.

I want to inspire and educate others to live their best life, to achieve the POSSIBLE, and progress forward with new momentum. If this is something that resonates with you, get in touch with me and let me know how I can help!


Health Coaching Benefits

  • Work one-on-one with a PreKure Certified Health Coach.
  • Benefit from science-based nutritional knowledge and create a lifestyle that optimises brain function, performance, and wellbeing.
  • Find the underlying root causes preventing you from achieving optimal wellness and identify the principles of self-care, nutrition and exercise.
  • Receive a Personalized Wellness Plan (PWP) and get help implementing at every step.

A Little More About Me

On A Sunny Day You’ll Find Me…
Running or biking the trails in a forest or having a run or walk with my family by Lake Taupo

My Favourite Spot In Taupo Is… 
Huka Falls and standing by the bridge to take in all that energy from the water.
The Great Lake Trail especially at the top of Kawakawa Bay and looking as far as the eye can see while basking in the glow of sunshine to rejuvenate my soul.

My Go-To Healthy Meal Is…
Breakfast: A hot breakfast of poached eggs with avocado and dukkah, a small slice of homemade sourdough and a good drizzle of Lot 8 cold-pressed olive oil.
Lunch: A protein smoothie with raw cacao powder topped with frozen berries.
Dinner: Keto poke bowl of raw salmon marinated in a sesame, soy and tahini sauce, seasonal greens,  sauerkraut, avocado, cauliflower rice.

My Go-To Exercise Recommendation
Move every day even if it is 30 minutes. When I feel overwhelmed, I know it’s time for me to head out to the forest or lake and have a run or walk.

Very Few People Know…
That I am addicted to my cuddles with my kids especially on a weekend morning when we have time for a lie-in! It is my medicine to help me reset from the daily stressors.

I’m Inspired By…
So many things but right now, I am loving Brene Brown and Simon Sinek.

“The more I take care of myself, the more prosperous I am.”

– Cheryl Richardson

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.”
― Brené Brown


What People Say
“I’m having a great week, health-wise. Feeling strong & positive. As I was driving to work today, I was thinking: this time a month ago, I would have been having a mental debate over stopping to get McDonald’s for breakfast. Now I wouldn’t even dream of doing that! ” 

Bridget M, Bay of Island, New Zealand

“Katherine is a very caring person with a very positive attitude. She’s a great listener and I always come away feeling positive & happy. She uses her past experiences in a very compassionate way. Thanks Katherine for helping me, you’re an inspiration to me. ” 

Neil Tapp, Bay of Island, New Zealand

My biggest wins during the programme was the clarity I have about what is right and wrong for me personally and the realisation that I have a variety of tools on hand to help me get through difficult times. It’s a great feeling to know that whilst it may be sad to say goodbye to something (or the idea of something), if it doesn’t align with your values, it will never bring you true joy – and it’s the right thing to move on to something that is better for you. We have options to move towards or away from things.

B.F, Auckland