
Hello Lovely! Welcome to the sign up page for the Webinar.

Follow the link below to Sign Up & secure your spot for my final webinar of 2022. 

I am really looking forward to sharing the knowledge I have personally TRIED & TESTED to help you transform your wellbeing. 

I remember my biggest AH-HA moment when I stopped having ridiculous cravings & afternoon brain fog and started developing a better relationship with food just by tweaking my lifestyle habits for the most sustainable change. 

I was a different person. I want the same for You. ? 

Because taking even a small action today will change your outcome for tomorrow. 

This webinar is perfect for you if you have tried EVERYTHING and you are seeking a new way and hunting for that key to unlock the last door. 


The details of our webinar as follows:

Topic: 10 Steps to Mindful Eating for a Sustainable Change

Stop the struggle with cravings and constant snacking

Date: Tuesday 1st November 7.30pm NZDT

Cost: Free of Charge



What is included:

  • 60-minutes Live session on Zoom 
  • Live Q&A session
  • Special invitation to a closed group on Facebook
  • Worksheets
  • Shopping list & planners
  • My most popular recipes to get you started & inspired

More details will be sent to you shortly. 

PS: For those who can’t make it live, there will be a replay sent out to you but you must register to be in the list for the replays. 

I look forward to connecting with you soon.


Much love,

Katherine xx ?