
Happy 2023  🎉 Hope the new year is off to a great start. 

As we ease into the new year, I know many of us may have started creating some goals for 2023.

2022 was a tough year for so many, myself included and with the support of my family and coaches, I was able to see the growth despite the difficulty.  I am very much a fan of reviewing my values and setting goals that align with the set of values that are most important to me. 

I wanted to share 5 Things you should add to your routine this month to help with maintain a happy balance for the year:

  1. Review your values and what makes your heart light up either in your career, family life or physical health
  2. Set realistic goals, goals that are big & audacious are sometimes hard to achieve and makes us feel deflated when we don’t get there.  
  3. Create mini goals or challenges that will help you get to your desired outcome.  Eg: Mini exercise challenge to help you get to your goal of daily exercise. 
  4. Find your accountability partner.  To be totally honest, family members are not the best accountability partners (personal experience! LOL) so best to get someone who is on the same lifestyle change journey as you – someone who is firm and not afraid to ask the tough questions to keep you on track.  Or hire a coach whom you can meet regularly that can hold you accountable to your goals you set for yourself. I love working with a coach who empower me to maintain a healthy momentum working towards my desired outcomes. 
  5. Adopt self-compassion and be gentle on our journey of change.  Perfectionism is toxic and unattainable.  We want to focus more on progress and consistency instead. 

Have you set your values for 2023?  What changes would you like to see happen for you this year? I would love to hear more from you! 

I am excited for what 2023 holds for me and I hope you are too. 

Remember, asking for support is never a sign of weakness, it is an act of courage that will move the needle of change for you.  You are so worthy of a life of confidence and balance. 💜

If you have tried everything last year and nothing has worked, you want to make 2023 count for you and need some support.  Let’s have a confidential chat and explore how I can support and empower you towards your best life. Drop me an email and let’s book a free call together. 

Have a fab weekend.

Much love,

Katherine xx ❤️