
According to Sports New Zealand, 

  • People who do at least 2.5 hours of recreational physical activity each week have 51% higher odds of reporting good mental wellbeing.
  • Participation in at least 4.5 hours per week increases the odds to 65%.

You know you want to exercise, you have tried so many times to include this in your routine but it was not successful. 

I know this so well.  This has been my mindset for years.  I have always associated “exercise” with “pain” and it was never pleasant.  Perhaps it was my childhood experiences in school with PE or it is also because humans are generally not attracted to discomfort.  We innately seek pleasure and safety.  

How did I shift this negative mindset? 

Let’s replace the word “exercise” with “movement”, does that feel more achievable? 

How about changing the mindset towards “exercise for weight loss” but instead adopt the mentality of “Movement for wellbeing”? 

The stats from Sports New Zealand is helpful for us frame this in bite size portions for you to digest:

A minimum of 21 minutes a day of physical activity to boost our mental wellbeing by 51%.  

A minimum of 38 minutes of physical activity will boost our mental wellbeing by 65%

This return on investment is better than any financial institutions can ever promise you! 

What you get with scheduling in only 21 minutes a day for movement?

  • Increased focus at work & at home
  • Reduce brain fog to boost productivity
  • More energy
  • Better quality of sleep 
  • More endorphins – the best happy hormones released through exercise

The best part is: Physical activity is FREE.

Some Free activities you can do RIGHT NOW:

  • Walk around the block
  • Mowing the lawn
  • Gardening and weeding
  • Leave your car at home and walk or bike to work
  • Park 2km away from your appointment and walk to your destination
  • Book a hike with a girlfriend instead of a sit down coffee catch up

What physical activity will you be choosing to do this week? Use my Free Activity Planner to help you. 

I’d love to see your planner once its completed!

Is it time to stop the struggle and get some support? 

If your weight is threatening your health, don’t wait another day, drop me an email and book a time with me for a Free chat. 


Want my Free Activity Planner? 


  1. Schedule in your Exercise for this week
  2. Get a friend to join you for your daily movement
  3. Commit to a Car-Free Day once a week 

  Check our my post here 

Just sharing some great new – my cholesterol levels are now lower than they have been in last 20 years! As I reflect on my programme with you, I know I have made some other significant changes in the way I care about myself. I am much more self-aware, I understand for the first time the relationship between the food I eat and the way my body feels, I get the importance of taking time to be still. In short, I feel like I’m set up for a more healthy future. Thanks for your help with that! – Margaret S; New Zealand

At the time of signing up with Katherine I was stressed and in need of feeling better about myself. During my coaching program my health went through a roller-coaster ride beyond my control. Katherine was able to hold the space for me, my grief, and support me through it all with empathy and compassion. I knew no matter what, Katherine would have my back, and our coaching sessions became a rock to lean on. No matter how big or small your struggles seem right now, I highly recommend working with Katherine to get through and know you will come out the other side stronger and better than before. – Maja; New Zealand
Helpful links
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My Cancer Journey and WHY I became a Health Coach
FREE Reset Wellness Guide to kick start your Wellness Journey


  • by Mike Newton
    Posted March 14, 2017 4:54 pm 0Likes

    Thanks! Very informative! I love yoga it is my favourite sport.

    • by Jessica Brown
      Posted March 14, 2017 4:55 pm 0Likes

      What a nice article. It keeps me reading more and more!

  • by Martha Stewart
    Posted March 14, 2017 4:55 pm 0Likes

    I find these article very useful and appropriate and also share them with my colleagues.

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